Research Results supports the Longsjo Classic as part of Fitchburg First

August 13, 2019

On July 7th, 2019 Research Results participated in the annual Longsjo Classic bike race in Fitchburg, MA. Members of the company came together to cheer on participants of all ages, and volunteered to help with various duties including registration, course setup, and cleanup.

This year marked the 58th edition of New England’s Classic Race. The event commemorates the Fitchburg native and American Olympian, Arthur Matthew Longsjo, Jr. Research Results along with other establishments and businesses, continue to sponsor this event to support the local community.

Professionals from all over the country travel to Fitchburg to participate in this competition. Each race is split by age and category, ranging from children to women and men’s pro 50+ edition. The RR team had the opportunity to meet with some of the participants and learn about the criteria to qualify for this event.

The afternoon was filled with excitement, as spectators watched to cheer on the racers rush by the Upper Common. This was a great way for the Research Results team to show support for the city of Fitchburg, and bond outside of the workplace.

Research Results Banner Research Results Team at Longsjo 2019 Event Longsjo Bike Race - Ivana, Jocelyn, Mary